Friday, May 27, 2016

How Your Home can look like a Model HomeHouse Cleaning Tips

How Your Home can look like a Model Home Model homes are staged to look – well - not so lived in. They’re just too perfect. Don’t get me wrong I try and many of us do try to have our homes look like a model home but the reality is we have kids and pets. Now that being said, there are still things we can do to make our homes look like a model home that we can oogle over. Decluttering Rooms One thing you don’t see in the magazine pictures is clutter; everything is placed carefully to showcase the house. That’s where we can start. The more that’s tossed around hither and thither, the messier things look. Pick up rooms, not just you but the kids can be responsible for the areas they play and sleep in. Toss out the old and find easy storage options. Family Memorabilia Family items come with an emotional attachment; if you don’t want something, even if it is an heirloom or an item that holds special memories, ask yourself a few questions: Do you like it? Do you really need to keep it? Can you pass it on to another family member? If you’re like me and have piles of kids projects, take pictures of the big projects and keep some smaller ones to put in a scrapbook or have your kids pick a favorite to put in a frame. Living Areas In living areas, toss old magazines, you can easily find the information online if you need it later. Neatly stack your newest magazines or book you’re currently reading on the coffee table or hide them in an ottoman until you can sit and enjoy them. Minimize your knickknacks and pictures. Rotate a few of your favorites throughout the year or have one feature wall where you display them. Get a cute basket or decorative box to corral the remote and fold any throw blankets before you head up to bed. To make your living space more cozy and inviting, try moving your furniture towards the center of the room. Bedrooms It only takes a few minutes to tidy up your bedroom by putting dirty clothes in the hamper, and putting toys away in the toy box. Make this a part of your kid’s bedtime routine. Only keep what is necessary on your bedside table such as an alarm clock and a table lamp. Decorative baskets can be used to keep your glasses, reading book, remote and other small items you may need regularly. Office If you are fortunate enough to have an office in your home, just keep the essentials on top of the desk. If your kitchen table doubles as your work desk, find a drawer or cabinet nearby that you can keep your office supplies in, ready to stash when it is time for dinner. A file cabinet can fit in a coat closet to keep your important papers filed and organized. Home Entrance Whether you enter through the garage, mud room or straight into your living space, make sure you have space where each member of the household can put their coat, shoes, backpack and work bag. You can get a stand-alone bench with hooks above or create your own storage area with some cubby shelves lined up against the wall. To read the full article, click HERE. (the word here will be a link to the article – I think this is a good article to link back to, which we want to do every now and then, the original article has some good links to other articles.)

from Mrs. Clean's House Cleaning Tips How Your Home can look like a Model HomeHouse Cleaning Tips

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