Friday, October 21, 2016

Preparing for the Winter SeasonHouse Cleaning Tips

Kermit the Frog out on a Cold Winter Day Throwing a Snowball.

Winter is coming and generally wherever you live the days will be colder and the nights longer. Here are a few home tasks to make sure you are ready for the cold and dark no matter the weather outside.

Furnace Check-up

Once a year you should get your furnace checked to make sure it is running efficiently. In addition, vacuum your heating vents inside the house to remove dust that has settled on them during the summer month.

Adjusting thermostat settings should be changed as well. Change them based on your routine, set it to turn on ½ hour before you get up in the morning, lower it while everyone is out of the and then when everyone is sleeping you can lower the thermostat a bit, this type of activity can help save on your energy usage.

Chimney Cleaning

Every fall we should get the chimney inspected; this will insure that your chimney is safe from any blockages that could cause your fireplace not to function properly. Another good thing to do is to clean out the fireplace even if you have a gas fireplace. You want to have a warm, clean and cozy place to sit when the wind starts blowing outside.

Snow Blower Maintenance

If you live in a place that gets lots of snow, you know how handy your snow blower is, so make sure your snow removal machines are ready to go. Check the manual on how you should properly get your snow blower readied and if you are not comfortable doing the tasks, find a certified maintenance provider in your area.

Checking the Pipes

Walk around the house: in the attic, garage, outside and make sure if there are any exposed pipes, they are well insulated and cover the outdoor faucets.

On colder than average nights, leave a trickle of water running in the bathroom and kitchen sinks. Running water can’t freeze.

Cleaning out the Pantry

Although this may not seem like part of the winter cleaning checklist, it has saved me from having to drive to the store when there is snow on the ground.

The pantry can get over cluttered with food which means there’s bound to be expired foods on the shelf. Get ready for the change of seasons by clearing out the old food then think about stocking it with hot cocoa, teas, and warm soups, ingredients for making waffles and cookies, and so on.

In addition if you don’t yet have an emergency supply box of freeze dried foods, batteries and other basic survival items, maybe it’s something to think about just in case there is a power outage.

Be Ready for Festive Holiday Parties

If you have festive events that require some clothing you don’t generally wear every day, make sure they are in good shape and check to see if they need to be taken to the cleaners. You might also want to take your holiday tablecloths and napkins at the same time.


Preparing for Cold Winter Nights
Winter Cleaning Checklist

from Mrs. Clean's House Cleaning Tips Preparing for the Winter SeasonHouse Cleaning Tips

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